In Studio 6 - Pretty in Pink - Movement Society

In Studio 6 - Pretty in Pink

MVMT Pilates
with Elise

Ok, so this hits all the spots (glutes, upper-back, abs) while also sneaking in all the right things (hip opening, sneaky spine stretch transitions). My glutes are going to be SO sore.  


  • 1st & Second Ballet Bridging
  • Quadruped - Internal & External Rotation
  • Side-lying into spicy side plank clam combo (side body WOAH)
  • Frogs
  • Prone - upper back/arm burner W,T,I
  • Standing Band Walks: All Angles
  • Pigeon Push-ups: multi-tasking glute stretch and arm strength
  • Overball Abs 3 Ways - Ps. Obsessed with this new variation.. SO oblique-y
  • Plank ft. Hip Stretch Finisher

Notice the highlight reel was everything we did. I loved it all. Hehe

You will need just your loop and ball for this one. LMK how you go!

Elise x

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