Your 5 Day Core Program

Come on baby light my fire, are you ready to feel the burn?
Join us for 5 days of fire in your belly, making it easier than ever to feel motivated to move!
Start on a Monday and by the weekend your abs will be all fired up! Just 15-30 minutes a day is all you need, as each workout brings the heat to challenge your core from every angle. This is not just your 6 pack muscles, but every layer inside and out, top to bottom, including those deep core muscles that help your body move freely and spine stay happy.


  • 5 Virtual MVMT core workouts that will put a fire in your belly and challenge your core from every angle.
  • 1x Hip stretch and release video you can use throughout the week to balance out all of that strengthening.
  • Start any time. As a Virtual MVMT member, your 5-day Abs on Fire program will be accessible for you to do whenever suits you.

The Abs on Fire program is free for Virtual MVMT Members to complete anytime. Not a Virtual MVMT Member? Sign up now!

Your 5-day program starts now!

Holding you accountable are your MVMT trainers, who will be right there completing the Abs on Fire challenge with you. Ask any questions via our Facebook community and share your workout picks or completed checklist on the gram and let us know you’re in.

We’ve got a 5-day checklist as a tool to keep you accountable.
Come Saturday you’re going to feel like Arnie with your abs of steel!

Spicy Abs
with Elise
30 Minutes

Your “abs” request is my command. You will only need your ball (and some serious core stamina). This 30-Minute ab-extravaganza builds some serious burn.

Slide to Burn
with Holly

Slide your way into the burn zone using your MVMT gliders. (No gliders no problem, just use socks on hard floors or plastic lids on carpet!) Gliders are fantastic to reach deeper into your core and activate your deep core stabilisers as well as providing support to keep you hips relaxed while your core works!

Twist and Burn
with Chloe

Build your upper body and core strength. No props needed, we use body weight, balance and coordination to challenge the body and to work those tiny little muscles we don’t normally use in everyday movement.

Considerate Core
with Elise

Considerate Core. This 30-Minute Workout builds up the burn in layers. You will need just your ball and end up rolling like one. This is the first half of part 3 (of my 3-part series). I decided to break the full workout into 2. This would be the “Core” section.

Circle of Fire
with Holly
20 Minutes

First up on the menu for Core Cooking, is some marination or your deep abdominals, the subtle but important burn. Then we move on to the main course, burning abs with maximum spice and chilli plus a side of obliques!

Hip Stretch
with Holly
13 Minutes

Tight hip flexors are such a common problem nowadays with such a seated lifestyle. If you think about our evolution from hunter gathers, our bodies aren’t suited to spending so much time seated. The more you sit, the tighter your hips become and lazier your peach becomes.

Combining glute strengthening, hip lengthening and core activating exercises reverses many of the downfalls of any sitting you might do and instead creates a happy, healthy, strong body that feels great!

The Toning Toolkit

What makes Virtual MVMT really hit the spot for your online workouts? The toning toolkit is your secret weapon to hit every single muscle while at home or away. All kept in a cute little neoprene bag but don’t be fooled, the sculpting tools in your toning toolkit will take your burn to new levels!

Want a toning toolkit to add to your workouts?