Tendon Stretch Tin 

Work your glutes, core and arms while opening your chest and hamstrings. This advanced movement series replicates the Pilates exercise ‘Tendon Stretch” typically performed on the Pilates reformer. It is a tough one, but the calf massage makes it worth it.




Super TIN Set up:

Begin seated with hands shoulder distance apart – fingers facing forward.
One leg is bent to 90 degrees-ish, it should align underneath knee when hips float up (Supporting Leg).
Second leg (Rolling leg) is straight. The Tin should rest on the fleshy part of your calf when the leg is straight.

Level 1: Lift and lower hips.

Exhale: Press hips up.
Drive through your supporting heel (so the lift comes from your backside) – arms will straighten, hips and chest open
Inhale: Lower down.
Repeat 3 – 5 x


 Level Two: Tendon Stretch

Exhale: Float hips up (as per level one).
Inhale: Prepare.
Exhale: “Slide and Scoop.”
Keeping your hips high – scoop belly and slide your tin towards you, pulling your hips through your hands.Your gaze will travel towards your belly. Your body makes an upside-down spine stretch position.  
Inhale: To return, Slide leg away, lift hips, gaze and heart.
Repeat 3 – 5 x

Your reward is a nice calf massage.



 Level Three: Single Leg

Repeat with top leg in table top.
As you slide and scoop – the gesture leg extends.  As you return to hip float – the gesture leg bends back to 90.
Repeat 3 – 5 x

