Sticking with an exercise routine can be a struggle for anyone. But for mums, squeezing in workouts can sometimes feel next to impossible.  Between caring for kids, household tasks, workplace commitments,  doctors appointments, school and all the rest, there is often what feels like little time for mums to sweat.

We want to help make movement a reality and a priority. 

We have developed the block system, to help you commit to being fit. Aligned with our system are tricks that will make you commit to being fit

1. Early bird gets the worm. 

Workout before you have time to make an excuse. I know if I waited until after work/evening,  I’d NEVER get my workout in. There are just too many activities and commitments that come up. I find working out first thing (or as close too) sets the right tone for the day.

2. BLOCK it out.

When you have a meeting or appointment scheduled in your calendar, the chances are you are going to turn up. Why not use that same principle towards your workout. We want to set you up for success. It is for this reason we ask you to set aside specific times in advance and make a 10 week commitment to yourself.  Choose your workout days and times in advance, schedule it as part of your day and make it non-negotiable. If you have a family calendar, block out “Pilates with MVMT” every Monday at 6am, and ensure that your husband/partner/friend/dog know that they need to wake kids/feed dog/babysit kids while you workout. 

3.  Have a Plan.
That is my job. Take the task of choosing what you need to do. All you need to do is turn up.


4. Take it one block at a time.
Yes, we will climb the mountain- but we are taking it one step at a time. We want to break down what can seem to be a large task into smaller more manageable sessions to help keep you motivated and engaged.

6. Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Let’s face it, life happens in the form of sick days, kids, holidays and just not wanting to come.  If you do miss a day, don’t stress. Let little things make up for it – Take the dog for a walk, play with your kids, take the stairs instead of the elevator … or rest (maybe you need it). There will always be a make-up class next week.

7. Make sure it makes you FEEL better
In the end, it is about you. Abs, Ass and Arms aside – we want you to have fun, move well and maybe learn a few things along the way. Workouts should make you feel better (not worse), why not leave your workout with a tight bum (not a tight spine).

8. Make sure it’s the right fit. 

While regular exercisers don’t find time, they ‘take’ time”. You want to set yourself up for success. Choose times that can work, choose a number of sessions that are realistic and choose the workout that is appropriate for your body and goals. If you want to smash your body and come out dripping in sweat, short of breath and exhausted – then the MVMT method may not be for you. We work hard, but we also work smart. We teach you how to do less to achieve more. Yes, you feel it, but no you won’t break.

9. No, you don’t have to be flexible, fit or even female to start. 

Pilates is for everyone. We want you to have fun, tone up, improve your flexibility and learn a bit along the way.

10. Look forward to it.