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Hi Mummas,

Isn’t motherhood a roller coaster! I am a mother of two with a business – so I know the hustle of working out in awake windows. I am also a Pilates and Movement nerd – so I have tried and tested everything with the goal of creating the best workout program possible for you. I wanted to make sure that whatever stage of postnatal you are (because when do we actually not become postpartum) you have a safe place on this platform. My biggest problem is overcaring and probably creating too many options for you. This has been in the works since my first baby Max who is now three.

I am so excited to share 5 new workouts you can do with bub.

Enjoy x

Burn with Bub is a guided series of short classes that new Mummas can do while Bub is awake. This is great for bonding with Bub when they are away or on those days when they just won’t sleep. Expect it to be a little messy and filled with giggles, but soak up these special moments because we will blink, and our babies will be big!

Side Planks

This combines side planks and two of my favourite stretches for the spine. It’s so important to counteract all the rounding we do. This is 10 minutes and prop free. It’s a little disjointed as I filmed between awake windows but loved how it worked my core but also opened those tight areas in my shoulders, back and spine.


OK, this is kind of genius. You place Bub on your pelvis, and the weight of Bub adds to the challenge of bridging. They are basically very heavy dumbbells. I’d wait until Bub has enough neck stretch to be in a supported sitting position. Do the series with Bub laying on the mat next to you initially. This gives you room to practise the movement, and then when they’re strong enough, challenge it with them on your pelvis.

This is 5 minutes and equipment free—it is a crowd favourite in our house. It always brings giggles (and when Max is home)—it is both the boys on me.


This combines side planks and two of my favourite stretches for the spine. It’s so important to counteract all the rounding we do. This is 10 minutes and prop free. It’s a little disjointed as I filmed between awake windows but loved how it worked my core but also opened those tight areas in my shoulders, back and spine.

A smiling mother holds her baby while performing gentle exercises on a yoga mat. The baby giggles happily as the mother engages in postnatal fitness routines, promoting both physical health and bonding between mother and child.

Arms & Core

Because bub will get heavy quickly and you want strong arms (and core) to lift them. This is 10 minutes and uses the ball.