What’s it good for?

A great butt looks good in everything — and nothing.  We will use the MVMT band around the outer thighs and a wide bridge position to AMPLIFY the work felt in the outer hips and seat.    The band will try and pull the knees inwards. Your abductors (glute med, min) will work hard to keep the knees pressing out and wide, as your hip extensors (glute max, hamstrings) will lift and lower hips.

Happy Bridging.



Starting lying on your back. Neutral spine.
Feet are shoulder distance apart and parallel.
Knees are bent, feet close towards your bottom.
Resistance band around your outer thighs. 

Begin at the top of your bridge position.

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Segmental Bridging.



Your goal here is segmental mobility. Lifting and lowering your spine one vertebrae at a time. It is common to skip segments. Use each and every repetition be an opportunity to create more mobility and segmental movement.



Start in neutral spine.
The roll up
initiates from your pelvis. Roll your pelvis towards your belly button (lower back lengthens into mat), continue to peel the spine up one vertebrae at a time until weight balanced between shoulder blades.


At the top of your bridge, your body should make a long line from shoulders, hips, and knees.The hips square and open. Ribs closed. Lower back uninvolved. The work should be felt in the back of legs and seat.


On the roll down – keep pelvis high as you begin to roll down the spine one vertebrae at time. This time starting peel down first through the upper back – then the mid back – through each and every vertebrae of the lower back – before finding your pelvic neutral.


Complete 3- 5 x (or until your spine feels warmed up).


Hold your last repetition at the top of your bridge position.



Wide Bridge | Hip lifts

Now your goal is the stability of the torso (body) as you lift and lower your hips.  The band will try and pull the knees inwards. Keep the knees reaching wide over toes as you lift and lower hips. 

Place a loop-style resistance band around your outer thighs as pictured. Press hips up until weight balanced between shoulder blades. Fold from hips and lower back down to the floor. Repeat for 10 -12 times. To make the exercise harder – step your feet wider.
Repeat 10 – 12 x. 


Wide Bridge | Pulse outwards

Now your goal is the maintaining the height of the bridge as you pulse outwards into the band. The tendency is for the hips to drop as the knees press outwards. Think of lifting the hips higher as you pulse outwards.

Maintaining the height of your bridge position. Press the knees outwards into the band. Resist back to the start position. Outer hips and seat will really feel some warmth. Repeat for 10 – 12 repetitions.


Wide Bridge | Single Heel Lift

To advance the movement. Float one heel off. Repeat Lift & Lower. Maintain the outward pressure off knees wide into band. Repeat 10 -12 times before changing sides.


Wide Bridge | Single Heel Lift

Hold the top of the bridge position. Pulse knees outward into the band.
Repeat 10 – 12 pulses before repeating 3 & 4 on your other side.