3 Sidelying
Pregnancy Moves

As your pregnancy progresses there are lots of movements and positions that are no longer accessible. Sidelying is a great place to move from because it is safe throughout your pregnancy. Here are 3 side-lying variations to try.

Single Arm Tricep Push Ups

  • Spiral your upper arm outwards so that as you bend your elbow it points in towards your waist
  • Inhale to bend your elbow towards your waist
  • Exhale to straighten the arm

Repeat 12 x each side

Sidebend over the ball


  • Start sidelying with the ball under your waist
  • Bend your underneath leg enough so you feel balanced
  • Straighten your top leg and underneath arm and begin by draping your body over the ball feeling a really nice stretch through the top side of your body


  • Initiate the movement by lifting your top arm to the ceiling, then continue to reach your arm to your hip as you side bend (laterally flex) your torso.
  • Slowly lengthen back down over the ball

Repeat 12 x each side


Sidelying glutes with loop


  • Begin sidelying with your knees bent to a 90-degree angle
  • Stretch your bottom arm to straight and place your top hand on your top hip for feedback or on the floor for more support with balance


  • Exhale to lift the shape of the top leg up into the resistance of the band
  • Inhale to lower the shape of the top leg back down

Repeat 10-12x

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