Deep Core Activation (Beginner / Pre / Postnatal) - Movement Society

Deep Core Activation (Beginner / Pre / Postnatal)

MVMT Pilates
with Holly

A note on your core;

Think of your core as a house, your 6 pack muscles are the paint on the house and your deep core muscles are the foundations of the house. The foundations are hard to see and feel at times but without strong foundations your house wont be able to hold you, it will crumble and the paint becomes redundant.

No shaking, no burning but really building strength where it matters most. Working smart doesn't always mean working hard! Great for beginners or pre and post natal, you strengthen your awareness of your neutral pelvis and then begin to challenge yourself to stabilise that. Fabulous to go back to and check in on your form if you are a little more advanced too!

Sending some love to you deep core,

Hol xx

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